Kamis, 24 November 2011

Business Leadership "On Purpose" by Russ Volckmann, PhD

Business coach Robert Knowlton wrote a little over a year ago:

"There are two types of things that can knock you off course.
1) The environment around you -- competition, the market, a snow storm, and
2) your own beliefs about yourself-- your commitment, effort and determination.
You cannot do much about the weather, but your own effort, commitment and beliefs are within your control."

If you are a business leader, this alert is very important. It can help you recognize that despite most of the teachings about leadership, being an effective leader is only partially about who you are, what you believe, what is important to you and what you do. The other part is the environment around you-other leaders, employees, competitors, customers, investors and so on.

If you buy that, then you can ask, "What is the purpose of business leadership?" There is no one answer to this question. It depends on the environment, on such things as the nature of your business, the pace of organization change, specialization in markets, new technology, looming crises, etc. These, in turn, help you determine your business' objectives.

For example, if your company is in recovery mode or facing a market shift, the purpose of leadership may be to get others to focus attention on what customers need and how your products or services can be attractive to them. As a business leader you may focus your energy on connecting with potential clients, gaining their trust and confidence, and establishing strategic relationships.

Defining the purpose of leadership is even more important when there are several or more leaders within your company. The growing complexity of doing business in this world of rapid change almost assures that there are. Getting these leaders aligned and engaged with a shared purpose is also one of the tasks of leadership.

Each leader brings their own set of assumptions and beliefs, their aspirations and commitments. If these are at variance with the purpose of leadership, then leaders will pull in different directions or work at cross-purposes. Thus, it is important that each leader be clear about what they are committed to and how they can align with others to support the business in achieving objectives.

Coaching is a wonderful approach to helping leaders accomplish this and more. A coach working with a business leader or executive on the issues of their leadership would do well to make sure that development is grounded in the dynamics of business objectives and the individual leaders' relationship to those.

Here are some things a coach can do to help business leaders get "on purpose:"

  • Use Strategic plans, mission and vision statements to help identify the business objectives that are immediately relevant.
  • Define near (what has to be happening now, in this business quarter) and short term (what has to be happening in the next year) objectives. The Strategic Scorecard approach of Kaplan and Norton is a good device for adding to financial objectives what is also important in the organization, in relation to customers, and the needs for innovation.
  • Help the client clarify what their assumptions and values are, to identify what is important to them about these business objectives.
  • Clarify what the leader is committed to in relation to these objectives.
  • Identify other leaders with whom they must be aligned to support the achievement of business objectives.
  • Design strategies for building alignment and taking action to lead the achievement of the objectives.
  • Implement processes to work with other leaders to define the purpose of leadership in relation to the objectives and how they will be successful as leaders.
  • Develop measurement criteria for success and how data will be captured, processed and analyzed for future development, including data about the effectiveness of their leadership in this process. Sometimes this can be achieved with 360 degree feedback or simply through conversations. In either case, know what the criteria are that will be used.

Coaching leaders is about a lot more than personal style, communications skills and career objectives. It is about working the interface between the individual and the business or organization. One key element of this is assuring that business leaders are leading on purpose.

Opinions : My opinion is that leadership as a skill can be learnt. I would consider much of leadership being wrapped up in teamwork, influence, strategy, and so on, and these are things that you can most certainly learn. I know this because I’ve learnt them! For many years I struggled with leadership and with building teams of people, but through being more prepared and investing in learning these skills, I’ve increased in being a leader.

Komodo Island is the New 7 Wonders of The World

Komodo island is one of the nature tourist attractions that had a beauty of this exotic nature. In Komodo island we could be met the original habitat of the Komodo that at this time the existence was rare and must be protected. In this island was gotten the Komodo national park region, that was managed by the central government for maintained the conservation. Komodo Island is the New 7 Wonders of The World was first recognized by Western scientists in 1910. Large size and fearsome reputation makes them popular zoo. And that's one reason why it was called with komodo dragon. Komodo island weather. The weather on Komodo Island is very dry except when the monsoon winds bring in heavy rains from December to March.
Komodo dragon habitat. With the normal temperature exceeding 80º Fahrenheit, even at sea level, the Komodo dragon habitat is considered to be one of the roughest place on the planet.
Komodo Island Map. Komodo island is located in Indonesian between Sumbawa and Flores island East Nusa Tenggara province.

Komodo Island is the NEW 7 Wonders of The World. Very appropriate if the Komodo national park became one of the New 7 Wonders of the world, because their size and reputation make them popular exhibits.

Opinions : komodo island you can find it in Indonesia, this is one of the island where you can find the Komodo Dragons it was declared as one of the National Park in Indonesia, but if you really want to find the komodo dragon in the wild charter boat and visit also the rincha island,you can attract the dragons from the jungle by hanging some fish heads or piece of meat on the tree about 5 feet high and wait for 10 to 15 mins.

Tugas 11

1. Ada berapa tipe if-clause ? ada 3 tipe

2. Ada berapa tipe wish ? ada 3 tipe

3. Jelaskan fungsi dari masing-masing tipe ?

Tipe I : Tipe yang pertama digunakan dalam kalimat yang kejadiannya terjadi pada rentang waktu kini (present) hingga masa depan (future). Dalam tipe pertama ini, kalimat ini mungkin saja benar jika syaratnya terpenuhi

Tipe II : Tipe kedua ini juga memiliki rentang waktu masa kini dan masa depan sebagaimana tipe pertama. Yang membedakan tipe ini dengan yang pertama adalah kalimat ini digunakan untuk kalimat pengandaian. Kenyataan yang terjadi berlawanan dengan result clause kalimat.

Tipe III : Tipe yang ketiga adalah untuk kejadian di waktu lampau, dan kejadiannya berlawanan dengan yang terdapat di kalimatnya. Atau, bisa dikatakan tipe ketiga digunakan untuk kejadian yang sudah terlanjur terjadi dan tak mungkin berubah lagi.

4. Berikan 10 contoh kalimat pengandaian beserta faktanya ?

Ø I wish I knew how to dance ( I don’t know how to dance )

Ø I wish I had a bicycle ( I don’t have a bicycle )

Ø I wish I were home in bed ( I’m not home in bed )

Ø I wish it weren’t cold today ( It’s cold today )

Ø We wish we were in Bali ( We aren’t in Bali )

Ø I wish I had a car ( I don’t have a car )

Ø I wish I had a tape recorder ( I don’t have a tape recorder )

Ø I wish I had studied for the test ( I didn’t study for the test )

Ø John wishes he had finished his work ( John didn’t finish his work )

Ø I wish I hadn’t gone to the meeting ( I went to meeting )