Kamis, 24 November 2011

Tugas 10

  1. Definisi conditional sentences ? adalah kalimat yang terdiri dari dua klausa (if clause dan result clause) yang salah satunya berisi syarat/kondisi yang memengaruhi kebenaran kalimat tersebut.
  2. ada berapa bentuk conditional sentences ? 3 tipe
  3. berikan contoh 10 kalimat yang menggunakan conditional sentences ?

Ø If I go to the bookstore tomorrow , I will buy you a novel

Ø If I have time today, I will go to see a movie

Ø If you need some money, I will lend you some.

Ø If I have enough time, I will write a letter to my cousin

Ø If I had enough money, I would buy a motor cycle.

Ø If the weather were nice, I would go to the park

Ø If my mother were here, She would help me

Ø If I were you, I wouldn’t accept that job

Ø If I undeestand that sentence, I will explain it to you

Ø If you had come, you had had a good time

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